(970) 739-1911 [email protected]

Health & Wellness Resources

Path4EMS helps to ensure that EMS providers have ready access to the resources and support needed to help maintain their physical and emotional wellbeing. 

While ensuring access to mental health and wellness support is central to the Path4EMS program, it is only one part. They also focus efforts on education and prevention, as well as strategies for continued resiliency and growth. This is all accomplished through collaborative efforts with other programs serving first responders and the continued involvement of EMS professionals in the ongoing development and improvement of the program. 

SWRETAC is working to help expand this program’s outreach to the agencies and providers in our region and invite you to learn more about the program on the PATH4EMS website.

For immediate assistance, please call or visit Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-8255

Feature Focus

Anyone who has ever experienced acute or chronic foot ailments knows how debilitating it can be.

Another important consideration is that..

Toe weakness is the single biggest predictor of falls when we age.
Courtney Conley, D.C.

The following podcast offers some great information and advice that can restore and maintain healthy feet and greater overall health.